Dockerfile 736 B

  1. # Folding@home
  2. #
  3. # VERSION 0.1
  4. # Run with: docker run -d -t -i jordan0day/folding-at-home
  5. # Inspired by magglass1/docker-folding-at-home
  6. # Set environment variables USERNAME, TEAM, and POWER to customize your Folding client.
  7. FROM fedora
  8. ENV USERNAME Anonymous
  9. ENV TEAM 0
  10. ENV POWER medium
  11. # Install updates
  12. RUN yum update -y
  13. # Install Folding@home
  14. RUN rpm -i
  15. ADD config.xml /etc/fahclient/
  16. RUN sed -i -e "s/{{USERNAME}}/$USERNAME/;s/{{TEAM}}/$TEAM/;s/{{POWER}}/$POWER/" config.xml
  17. RUN chown fahclient:root /etc/fahclient/config.xml
  18. CMD /etc/init.d/FAHClient start && tail -F /var/lib/fahclient/log.txt