readme-vars.yml 2.8 KB

  1. ---
  2. # project information
  3. project_name: photoshow
  4. project_url: ""
  5. project_logo: ""
  6. project_blurb: "[{{ project_name|capitalize }}]({{ project_url }}) is gallery software at its easiest, it doesn't even require a database."
  7. project_lsio_github_repo_url: "{{ project_name }}"
  8. project_blurb_optional_extras_enabled: false
  9. # supported architectures
  10. available_architectures:
  11. - { arch: "{{ arch_x86_64 }}", tag: "amd64-latest"}
  12. - { arch: "{{ arch_arm64 }}", tag: "arm64v8-latest"}
  13. - { arch: "{{ arch_armhf }}", tag: "arm32v6-latest"}
  14. # development version
  15. development_versions: false
  16. # container parameters
  17. common_param_env_vars_enabled: true
  18. param_container_name: "{{ project_name }}"
  19. param_usage_include_net: false
  20. param_usage_include_env: true
  21. param_env_vars:
  22. - { env_var: "TZ", env_value: "Europe/London", desc: "Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London." }
  23. param_usage_include_vols: true
  24. param_volumes:
  25. - { vol_path: "/config", vol_host_path: "<path to data>", desc: "Stores config and logs for nginx base." }
  26. - { vol_path: "/Pictures:ro", vol_host_path: "<path to pictures>", desc: "Your local folder of photos you wish to share." }
  27. - { vol_path: "/Thumbs", vol_host_path: "<path to store thumbs>", desc: "Local folder to store thumbnails of your images." }
  28. param_usage_include_ports: true
  29. param_ports:
  30. - { external_port: "80", internal_port: "80", port_desc: "WebUI" }
  31. param_device_map: false
  32. cap_add_param: false
  33. # optional container parameters
  34. opt_param_usage_include_env: false
  35. opt_param_usage_include_vols: false
  36. opt_param_usage_include_ports: false
  37. opt_param_device_map: false
  38. opt_cap_add_param: false
  39. optional_block_1: false
  40. # application setup block
  41. app_setup_block_enabled: true
  42. app_setup_block: |
  43. On first run create an admin account, any folder and its subfolders that you map to /Pictures will be presented as a webgallery. Config settings are persistent and stored as a subfolder of the /Thumbs mapping.
  44. # changelog
  45. changelogs:
  46. - { date: "16.01.19:", desc: "Add pipeline logic and multi arch." }
  47. - { date: "05.09.18:", desc: "Rebase to alpine 3.8." }
  48. - { date: "07.01.18:", desc: "Rebase to alpine 3.7." }
  49. - { date: "25.05.17:", desc: "Rebase to alpine 3.6." }
  50. - { date: "03.05.17:", desc: "Use repo pinning to better solve dependencies, use repo version of php7-imagick." }
  51. - { date: "14.02.17:", desc: "Rebase to alpine 3.5." }
  52. - { date: "14.10.16:", desc: "Add version layer information." }
  53. - { date: "30.09.16:", desc: "Rebase to alpine linux." }
  54. - { date: "11.09.16:", desc: "Add layer badges to README." }
  55. - { date: "21.08.15:", desc: "Use patched keybaord js from fork of photoshow." }
  56. - { date: "21.08.15:", desc: "Initial Release." }