@@ -1,21 +1,43 @@
+[linuxserverurl]: https://linuxserver.io
+[forumurl]: https://forum.linuxserver.io
+[ircurl]: https://www.linuxserver.io/index.php/irc/
+[podcasturl]: https://www.linuxserver.io/index.php/category/podcast/
-The [LinuxServer.io](http://linuxserver.io) team brings you another quality container release featuring auto-update on startup, easy user mapping and community support. Be sure to checkout our [forums](http://forum.linuxserver.io) or for real-time support our [IRC](http://www.linuxserver.io/index.php/irc/) on freenode at `#linuxserver.io`.
+The [LinuxServer.io][linuxserverurl] team brings you another container release featuring easy user mapping and community support. Find us for support at:
+* [forum.linuxserver.io][forumurl]
+* [IRC][ircurl] on freenode at `#linuxserver.io`
+* [Podcast][podcasturl] covers everything to do with getting the most from your Linux Server plus a focus on all things Docker and containerisation!
# linuxserver/photoshow
+[](http://microbadger.com/images/linuxserver/photoshow "Get your own image badge on microbadger.com")[][hub][][hub][](http://jenkins.linuxserver.io:8080/job/Dockers/job/LinuxServer.io/job/linuxserver-photoshow/)
+[hub]: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/photoshow/
+[Photoshow][photoshowurl] is gallery software at its easiest, it doesn't even require a database.
-Photo gallery software at its easiest, doesn't even require a database.
+[photoshowurl]: https://github.com/thibaud-rohmer/PhotoShow
## Usage
-docker create --name=photoshow -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v <path to data>:/config -v <path to pictures>:/Pictures:ro -v <path to store thumbs>:/Thumbs -e PGID=<gid> -e PUID=<uid> -e TZ=<timezone> -p 80:80 linuxserver/photoshow
+docker create \
+--name=photoshow \
+-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
+-v <path to data>:/config \
+-v <path to pictures>:/Pictures:ro \
+-v <path to store thumbs>:/Thumbs \
+-e PGID=<gid> -e PUID=<uid> \
+-e TZ=<timezone> \
+-p 80:80 \
* `-p 80` - port for the webui
-* `-v /etc/localhost` for timesync - *optional*
+* `-v /etc/localtime` for timesync - *optional*
* `-v /config` - stores config and logs for nginx base
* `-v /Pictures` - your local folder of photos you wish to share
* `-v /Thumbs` - local folder to store thumbnails of your images
@@ -27,9 +49,14 @@ It is based on phusion-baseimage with ssh removed, for shell access whilst the c
### User / Group Identifiers
-**TL;DR** - The `PGID` and `PUID` values set the user / group you'd like your container to 'run as' to the host OS. This can be a user you've created or even root (not recommended).
+Sometimes when using data volumes (`-v` flags) permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container. We avoid this issue by allowing you to specify the user `PUID` and group `PGID`. Ensure the data volume directory on the host is owned by the same user you specify and it will "just work" ™.
+In this instance `PUID=1001` and `PGID=1001`. To find yours use `id user` as below:
-Part of what makes our containers work so well is by allowing you to specify your own `PUID` and `PGID`. This avoids nasty permissions errors with relation to data volumes (`-v` flags). When an application is installed on the host OS it is normally added to the common group called users, Docker apps due to the nature of the technology can't be added to this group. So we added this feature to let you easily choose when running your containers.
+ $ id <dockeruser>
+ uid=1001(dockeruser) gid=1001(dockergroup) groups=1001(dockergroup)
## Setting up the application
@@ -42,7 +69,7 @@ On first run create an admin account, any folder and its subfolders that you map
* To monitor the logs of the container in realtime `docker logs -f photoshow`.
## Versions
-+ **21.08.2015:** Use patched keybaord js from fork of photoshow
-+ **21.08.2015:** Initial Release.
++ **11.09.16:** Add layer badges to README.
++ **21.08.15:** Use patched keybaord js from fork of photoshow
++ **21.08.15:** Initial Release.